This led to the interesting discovery that apparently the MCU’s Flash ROM had seemingly lost the firmware data.įortunately was able to flash back a version of the firmware which was available on the internet, allowing the J-Link device to work again. The Tag-Connect style JTAG header on the PCB appeared to be a good second stop, requiring only a bit of work to reverse-engineer the exact pinout and hook up an ST-Link V2 in-circuit debugger to talk with the STM32F205RC MCU on the PCB. This led to take the device apart to figure out what was wrong with it.Īfter checking voltages on the PCB, nothing obvious seemed wrong. This was awkward not only because in-circuit debuggers are vital pieces of equipment in embedded firmware development, but also because they’re not that cheap. Last year found themselves in the situation where a SEGGER J-link debug probe suddenly just stopped working.